Comment une référence pour les gamers est devenue un acteur majeur de l’informatique quantique


Israel-based quantum software company Classiq has partnered with Nvidia to open a research center in Tel Aviv. Objective: to help doctors diagnose diseases and accelerate the discovery of new drugs. With this agreement, Nvidia strengthens the interest of its quantum simulation platform.

Quantum computing can bring significant improvements in many areas, particularly health. It could facilitate drug discovery andmolecular analysis. It could also promote tailored medical treatment strategies, as well asoptimization of pharmaceutical supply chains and coordination of treatments.

So many challenges to overcome while quantum processors are still at the exploratory stage and take up a lot of space. A single processor can occupy a large box measuring 3 meters by 2 meters by 2 meters! Another downside is that the creation of large-scale quantum computers will only be possible when certain major engineering problems are resolved.

Hence the interest in relying on platforms of quantum simulation. Known as the reference in graphics cards and appreciated by gamers, the Californian brand Nvidia is increasingly involved in the quantum computing sector thanks to CUDA Quantum which simulates the processing capabilities of a compound quantum computer. dozens of qubits.

Its open source platform is capable of integrating and programming quantum processing units (QPUs), GPUs and CPUs into a single system. Based on a supercomputer composed of hundreds of GTX A100 processors, it allows billions of parallel calculations to be performed on a conventional computer.

Eliminate Toxic Metals

This is what motivated Classiq. Used by more than 400 universities, this quantum software creation platform announced the launch of the Quantum Computing Center for Life Sciences and Health, in collaboration with NVIDIA and the Sourasky Medical Center in Tel Aviv.

“The new Quantum Computing Center for Life Sciences and Healthcare aims to bridge the gap between quantum theory and practical application, with concrete benefits for life sciences, health and other sectors”explains Nir Minerbi, CEO of Classiq, in a press release.

Classiq is not the only one in this niche. In 2022, Swiss start-up Terra Quantum raised $60 million to develop a “quantum-as-a-service” platform. It is developing hybrid quantum applications for life sciences, energy, chemistry and finance that will work with CUDA Quantum.

In another area, Classiq has partnered with NVIDIA and Rolls-Royce to improve the efficiency of jet engines using quantum computing. The design of these engines is among the most complex, expensive and computationally demanding. With Nvidia’s platform, Rolls-Royce is expected to be able to accelerate research and future development of more efficient jet engines.

This isn’t Nvidia’s only big deal in the quantum space. The Californian has signed an agreement with BASF. The chemical industry giant uses Nvidia H100 Tensor Core GPUs and the CUDA Quantum programming platform to simulate nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA), a compound capable of removing toxic metals from a city’s wastewater.


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