La start-up Niryo lève 10 millions d’euros pour développer une gamme de cobots industriels et continuer son expansion à l’international


Niryo, the Lille start-up which wants to make cobotics accessible to all, announces a fundraising of 10 million euros which will be used to continue its international expansion. This new phase of financing will allow this pioneer in educational robotics to conquer new industrial markets.

Last year, Marc-Henri Frouin, CEO of Niryo, presented his collaborative robot dedicated to learning and research. He explained to us in particular Niryo21’s desire to develop its product ranges to move towards an establishment in the industry.

Compact and affordable collaborative robot arms

Since its creation in 2017, Niryo has strived to offer arms collaborative robots which are both compact, financially affordable and easy to use, in particular thanks to the Niryo Studio application.

The initial idea was the creation of a robot intended for training and education, which would be more accessible and much lighter than a industrial robot. We can say that in seven years of existence, this idea has come a long way, since 300 universities around the world (including the 50 most prestigious) are now equipped with a Niryo robot.

But that’s not all: Niryo cobots have already attracted more than 200 companies, including several major industrial players such as Siemens, Texas Instruments, Airbus, Ariane Group and Coca-Cola. In all, this represents more than 3,000 cobots sold around the world (30% in France)!

Its latest addition, the educational robot “NED2”, is also oriented towards industry, since it is aimed at training of engineers and allows the simulation of real industrial scenarios by connecting several units.

Objectives of the fundraising: address new use cases and develop a range for professionals

The Series A fundraising which has just been announced by a press release includes a raising of 6.4 million euros provided by investment funds, supplemented by 3.6 million euros in loans provided by a banking pool.

It is led by:

  • the BPI Digital Venture investment fund;
  • the Innovacom investment fund;
  • four other historic funds – IRD, Finorpa, NFA and Go Capital.

Through this fundraising, Niryo wishes to continue its growth, consolidate its international presence and develop its range of professional robots.

Marc-Henri Frouin, CEO of Niryo, is enthusiastic: “At Niryo, we are driven by a deep belief in the power of technology to shape a more sustainable and humane future. Niryo makes collaborative robotics accessible to everyone and promotes a more resilient vision of technology. With this fundraising, we continue to write our story by pushing the limits of what robotics can accomplish. It is also an opportunity for us to demonstrate that collaboration between man and machine is the key to innovation in all sectors”.

20 new permanent positions will be open!

For Niryo, this new phase of financing therefore opens a new chapter towards its objective of transforming collaborative robotics to make it a sustainable force. The start-up is already hard at work since 20 permanent positions will be open to successfully complete all projects!

In any case, the financiers believe in the future of Niryo! In the press release, Marion Aubry, investment director at Bpifrance Digital Venture, states: “We are convinced that the cobot market is expected to experience strong growth in the coming years. Thanks to its offering of lightweight, space-saving, easily programmable collaborative robots with a simple UX, Niryo seems ideally positioned to democratize the use of cobots in many sectors, beyond the traditional uses of robotics in industry. . »


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