Les thèses du mois : L’efficacité énergétique comme clé de compétitivité


To support you and provide you with ever richer information, Techniques de l’Ingénieur is joining forces with the National Network of Doctoral Schools – Engineering Sciences (REDOC SPI). Each month, our partner selects theses linked to our monthly file in order to allow you to delve further into the themes developed in the file.

For our January report, “Energy efficiency as a key to competitiveness”, here are the theses selected by REDOC SPI. Find the summary of these theses as well as the theses of previous months on our partner’s website.

Cooling and heat recovery of data centers: optimization and energy management
Ahmad Alamir Sbaity
Doctoral thesis in fluid mechanics, energy, thermal, combustion, acoustics defended on 01/07/2022
University laboratory of applied sciences of Cherbourg

Development of a thermochemical storage unit for the recovery of waste energy from an urban heat network
Elliot Scuiller
Doctoral thesis in Materials Chemistry, defended on 09/08/2022
Mulhouse Institute of Materials Science

Heat recovery by integration of vorticity generator, hybridization with thermoelectric generators, use of renewable energies and life cycle analysis
Rima Al Aridi
Doctoral thesis in Energy, thermal, defended on 08-09-2023
Angevin Systems Engineering Research Laboratory

Pyrolysis and gasification of a solid recovered fuel (SRF) and its model materials
Oscar Sosa Sabogal
Doctoral thesis in Process and Environmental Engineering, defended on 08-06-2022
Innovation laboratory for new energy technologies and nanomaterials

Thermochemical energy storage on « salt/supports » composites
Minh Hoang Nguyen
Doctoral thesis in Materials Chemistry, defended on 11/14/2022
Mulhouse Institute of Materials Science

Multi-scale approach for modeling working fluids of waste heat recovery processes.
Thomas DiPietro
Doctoral thesis in Process, Product and Molecular Engineering, defended on 11/25/2022
Reactions and process engineering laboratory

Diagnosis and improvement of energy efficiency in batch distillation.
Marie Rougier
Doctoral thesis in Process Engineering, defended on 09/22/2022
Nantes Thermal and Energy Laboratory

Methods and tools for a collaborative and open modeling process of energy systems
Sacha Hodencq
Doctoral thesis in Electrical Engineering, defended on 09/23/2022
G2Elab-Models, Methods and Methodologies Applied to Electrical Engineering

Development of a falling-film desorber combining vapor generation and purification for ammonia-water absorption chiller (Modeling and Experiments)
Mathide Wirtz
Doctoral thesis in Energy and Process Engineering, defended on 02/24/2022
Design Optimization and Environmental Engineering Laboratory

Energy Storage & Conversion: Waste Heat Recovery in Microgrids by a free piston stirling engine
Mahdi Majidniya
Doctoral thesis in Energy and Mechanics, defended on 02-12-2021
Laboratory of energetics and theoretical and applied mechanics


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