Quelles solutions pour valoriser les chaleurs fatales industrielles ?


Industrialists wishing to exploit their waste heat today have several technical solutions at their disposal, depending on the objectives inherent to this desire.

First of all, at the collection level, waste industrial heat is most of the time recovered via exchangers.

These will allow direct use of the recovered heat, internally or externally. Internally, this heat will be used on the steam generating equipment for preheating water, materials or parts, on the industrial site. Other uses of this heat can be made on site, to power other processes, or to heat premises for example.

The external use of this heat is done via the injection of this heat into an urban or industrial (heat) network, connected to other sites.

Before being used, the waste heat must sometimes be increased in temperature. This can be done via the mechanical vapor recompression, or by compression or absorption heat pumps. These techniques will allow the industry to produce cold. This cold can, like heat, be used internally or externally. Internally, for self-consumption, and externally for injection into a cold network. This is a major challenge, since the demand for industrial refrigeration is increasingly important.

Finally, it is also possible, from the recovery of waste heat, to produce electricity or mechanical energy, for industrial processes or self-consumption for example.

Thus, recovery and recovery techniques recovery of industrial heat will vary greatly depending on the expected purposes: the implementation of heat recovery projects begins with an in-depth study to assess the feasibility of the project, integrating the geographical dimension of the site, the existing heating networks, the needs… and the benefits expected, whether financial, in terms of image, energy performance, or all three.

The growing concerns around the recovery of waste heat by industrialists force the latter, moreover if their waste heat is valued externally, to project themselves onto the existing ecosystem around the industrial site: is it close of a heat network existing to which it can connect? What are the heat requirements around the site? Waste heat recovery needs to be thought about from both the supplier’s and the customer’s point of view to be implemented in a relevant and profitable manner.

Today, companies have started providing services to businesses, collecting some of their waste heat. Thus, the industrial company that wants to recover its waste heat can entrust this service to a third party, who will recover this heat and even find a customer who will use it. To be able to achieve this, companies that offer these services are required to look into solutions. heat storageto be able to provide end customers with energy when they need it.

On a larger scale, these storage solutions could make it possible to resolve the greatest difficulty inherent in heat recovery, namely the time lag between heat supply and demand.


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