Infr@2050 : un nouveau pôle de compétitivité dédié aux routes et infrastructures décarbonées


Competitiveness Clusters have been one of the main pillars of France’s national innovation policy for almost 20 years. Following a call for applications for phase V of the Clusters, two new structures have just been certified: ENTER, dedicated to digital and Infr@2050, a cluster for the decarbonization of the public works sector.

Infr@2050* is the latest addition to the 55 French Competitiveness Clusters. It is located between the regions Burgundy-Franche-Comté and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and brought together, at the time of its creation, 243 members, including 54 laboratories and research centers, 73 startups and SMEs and 64 mid-sized companies and large companies.

Competitiveness Clusters in the France 2030 context

Unsurprisingly, the State chose to prolong the existence of Competitiveness Clusters for the period 2023-2026. This fifth phase is based on three objectives:

  • strengthening and multiplication of links between regional actors ;
  • continuation of the actions of the clusters at the European level;
  • support in the context of the ecological and digital transition and the France 2030 plan.

The France 2030 plan provides that half of the amounts granted are intended to help emerging players, therefore young and innovative companies. THE Competitiveness Clusters labeled for this 5th phase will thus play a significant role in identifying promising companies. They will be the main support for their development and will become “ relays for the deployment of the France 2030 plan and regional innovation policies »

The Infr@2050 cluster: excellent news for the infrastructure sector

On March 27, 2023, Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry, formalized the launch of the Infr@2050 cluster.

This labeling is particularly remarkable, because it fills a gap: the infrastructure and development sector was one of the rare sectors not benefiting from their own Competitiveness Cluster. This is all the more astonishing for a sector which has a turnover of more than 48 billion and employs 360,000 people!

Furthermore, the purpose of Infr@2050 is not only to support innovation, but also to contribute to achieving carbon neutrality in the infrastructure construction sector.

This new Competitiveness Cluster will notably mobilize the various players in the sector around the issues of water, decarbonization of mobilityurban overheating and energy.

If you want to accelerate the development of a project, have ideas or are looking for help from the network, you can contact the Infr@2050 center at this address.

* Infr@2050 is supported by NOVABUILD, the INDURA clusters (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes), ECORSE TP (Bourgogne-France-Comté) and by IREX (institute for Applied Research and experimentation in Civil Engineering). It is also supported by Syntec-Ingénierie and FNTP, and the other members of the Innov’Infra Hub, NOVABUILD (Pays de la Loire) and ODEYS (Nouvelle-Aquitaine).


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