“Le soudage cobotisé : montée en puissance d’un métier et gain de productivité ” – Livre blanc


Our previous report dedicated to welding in industry offered an overview of a sector in full automation and in search of new types of talent following the integration of collaborative robotics into their production tools. With the aim of better illustrating this technology, Techniques de l’Ingénieur offers new experiences relating to cobotics. Our various interlocutors give us their testimonies on how it contributes to changing the welding profession, making the welder position more interesting and attractive.

Much more flexible than welding robots and very easy to use, cobots are a real asset for industrial SMEs. Reinforced safety, exceptional welding quality, support for welders for difficult tasks, productivity gains… Michel Fantou, director of the ARMTOP company specializing in the shaping of fine sheet metal elements, gives us his opinion after a year of use by his teams of the cobot solution he has chosen for his teams.

As has been mentioned, industrial professions are under pressure and the welding sector is particularly affected. In this context of labor shortage, companies have every interest in becoming more attractive if they want to maintain their growth and save their production. Exclusive recruitment of people undergoing retraining without going through the CV box, discovery of professions “blindly”, compulsory involvement in development projects… Osé (Group O) has implemented innovative practices, to succeed in attracting new profiles and thus support its 40% annual growth! Alexandre Published, founder and director of this resolutely people-oriented group, explained to us the approach he has put in place.

Alexandre Published told us how he relied on cobotics and innovative HR practices to attract new welders. He also explained to us how cobotics allowed him to support his growth, gain productivity and compete with Asian prices on small series.

The testimonies previously collected leave no room for doubt: cobotics is becoming an essential tool for industrial SMEs and mid-sized companies, particularly for welding workshops. For this last article in our file dedicated to cobot welding, we asked Martin Duterte, engineer at Universal Robots (UR), to explain the details of the integration of UR cobots.


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